Monday, July 21, 2008

I am the new Facebook.

Kelly Sutton over at Hackcollege wrote an interesting article about the new changes that Facebook have planned. What's even better is you could check it out yourself and do a little test run.

I personally think that facebook should stick with what they have now. The new changes almost makes things very cluttered. For profile pages, wall post and the mini feed have decided form into one super mega beast of information... and that super mega beast is way too crowded.

One thing that did tickle my "oh that's cool" button was the tabs on top of the profile page. It makes it a lot nice instead of having the stuff on the side or all up in your profile page.

To get the full effect of the changes, click on your name on the top left or check out someone else profile page. Also, keep in mind that after visiting the above url your default will be the new layout. To change back to it there's a link that says "back to old layout" in the upper right hand corner.

If you guys notice anything else interesting or just want to leave how you feel about it. Leave a comment!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am in love with Google

It's been almost two weeks since my last post and I think I'm due for another. I've actually had a couple things I wanted to write about but no time really to write about them. This one website has probably been sitting in my tab bar for about two weeks because I'm afraid that if I close it, I'll lose it forever. Which, really, wouldn't be that big of a deal.

I love Google. You have your Mac fanboys, your Windows fanboys, and your weird Linux cultist, but I love my Google. I started using Gmail back when it was still invite only. I have had my account since June 2004 which is over four years, 637 mbs of space, and over 13,975 emails. I love it.

But what really attracts me about the vast amounts of Google applications is the simplicity of it all and also the attention that Google gives to the work that they do. For example, they recently changed their homepage to allow quicker access to their Privacy page. They didn't just stick the link on the homepage though, they considered the amount of words actually on the homepage. It's a minor thing, but that attention to small detail is what's great about Google.

"This mystery and its revelation was really interesting because I thought about the homepage, and how to keep it simple, all the time. Yet I hadn't thought to look at it through this very simple lens: just count the words. The fewer, the better. Ever since that night, this has been our discipline, and everyone who works on the homepage and its design knows the current number: 28."
[via Official Google Blog]

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I am the Chinese Armed Police

What do Segways and Asian men with guns have to do with keeping the Chinese Olympic games safe?

Clearly, everything.

I have to admit, as dorky as this looks, this is frickin' awesome. Why don't we have the Philadelphia Police Force out and about on these things? Better yet, Drexel campus security!

I especially like the guy in the back with the camouflaged rifle with a scope and knife bayonet. It must be from his personal collection.

[via Geekologie via BBC News]